
Industry outlook

From: web name  Date:2013-03-26 20:46:31  Hits:2375  Belong to:Solution
The development prospect of kitchen electric appliance industry in our country
Kitchen appliances demand continues to be strong, kitchen electrical products once again become the home appliance market “ protagonist ”. However, with the &ldquo in the store; scenery ” compared to the Chinese kitchen electric market “ plate ” still very small, far less than the color TV, ice air washing and other traditional “ 4 pieces of ” home appliance products.

Data show that the first half of this year, the domestic appliance market retail sales totaled 691 billion 300 million yuan, of which to TV as the representative of black market Shenzhen mold amounted to 94 billion 500 million yuan, white amounted to 163 billion 500 million yuan in the refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machine as the representative, and to the lampblack machine, gas stove, kitchen electric water heater as the representative of only 56 billion 400 million yuan.

Kitchen appliances including smoke lampblack machine, gas cooker, disinfection cabinet, lampblack machine in China in 2013 sales of 25 million 140 thousand units, gas production of 30 million 640 thousand units, and more similar to the larger white gap (2013 washing machine sales of 72 million 450 thousand units of the most comparable), we expect to have a larger growth space in the future, the main driving factors are 1, the domestic level of urbanization has been continuously improved, sustained growth of kitchen electricity demand; 2, the income level of rural residents increased, began to buy kitchen smoke elimination; 3, update the demand rise, bring the average price increase.

Demand continues to upgrade, the high-end trend will continue.

2013 range hood, gas stoves and disinfection cabinets were 2296, 1177 and 1653 yuan, respectively, compared with an increase of 11.2%, 9.3% and 8.5%. Due to price increases caused the decoration budget, and lampblack machine gas stoves and other products installation is not easy to change, consumers tend to buy better products, we determine the average price rose will continue, in fact in the kitchen electric enterprises also have to upgrade the product structure to cater to consumer trends.

At present the industry competition is dispersed, the concentration of the material will improve.

At present, the kitchen of the electricity industry competition scattered, in 2013 CR3 only 29%, not only far below the United States (2013 CR3 66%), also below the Chinese air ice wash industry CR3 (2013 were 67%, 42% and 47%). Leading companies in the future is expected to continue to expand channels, while electricity suppliers to promote the penetration of the brand to promote national, we expect the industry to enhance the degree of concentration will accelerate.

Product technology continues to innovate and upgrade
2013 kitchen electric industry, the boss, FOTILE and other leading companies continue to increase the power of high-end kitchen electric kitchen to the height of the culture. From the suction to the cube of wind, from “ love rice ” “ let the family feel better from the Almighty, ” microwave frequency to IH smart cooker, products from the technology to do the upgrade, innovation, make a breakthrough from the design, the pursuit of fashion, smart, let more consumers feel the value of kitchen experience and product service.
Among them, the technology as the main driving force, is the guarantee of high quality products, is to win the core of the market competition. In October 1, 2013, the formal implementation of the national new energy efficiency standards of the hood, but also to some extent stimulated the transformation of kitchen electric market upgrading, but also accelerated the industry reshuffle. Large suction, silent, self cleaning, frequency conversion, intelligent linkage, in 2013 to put the glory, to become a new dimension of product evolution and carry high-end content.

Around 2014, upgrading technology, brand and industry upgrading as the core of the competition will be further upgraded, who in the new competition mechanism in the win, who will be able to win more market share in the next few years, integrated solutions and the key is the core technology for the.
Energy saving continues to run through the market development
Now the kitchen is no longer a simple role as a necessity of life, but also shoulder the burden of environmental protection. Back in 2013, the change and innovation of science and technology and social demand bring great changes to the kitchen electric industry, kitchen appliances products because of large power, high frequency of use, such consumers for more urgent needs, and enterprises to improve the energy efficiency ratio means to save the fees for the use of the use of time, etc..
In the field of lampblack machine, power consumption, noise, smoke gathering effect difference has been considered to be the three big problem hood industry, as early as in October 1, 2013 before the implementation of the new standard of energy efficiency, it has developed many enterprises committed to innovation and technology, and cracked a number of industry problems. More and more consumers in the purchase of these products, in addition to the most important feature of the product is the core of the product suction effect, that is, energy saving.
In terms of energy saving policy, the country has also given a positive guide. In December 2013, the ministry organized industrial energy-saving and comprehensive utilization of resources, environmental protection, waste recycling and other key equipment and equipment industrialization demonstration, organize the implementation of a number of demonstration projects, the implementation of the new energy, energy efficient appliances and other products market promotion incentives, the related products and services into the government procurement scope and guide the green consumption, the industry will be referred to as such leader system.
In addition, the 2013 edition of the appliance industry technology roadmap for energy efficiency and environmental protection aspects of home appliances manufacturing enterprises put forward higher requirements, the products of low carbon environmental protection, green design and control of hazardous substances and other requirements, in order to play a guiding role in the real.
2014, under the guidance of energy conservation and environmental protection policies, energy conservation development will continue to focus on kitchen electric enterprises throughout the market development.
Online sales channels to further promote
2013 development of the electricity supplier is still in full swing. According to Ovid consulting released the latest data show that in 2013 the domestic line of home appliances market sales volume increased by only 6%; while the online sales of home appliances market scale growth significantly, up to 79%. Among them, range hood, gas stoves, water heaters and other kitchen appliances online sales accounted for 33.6% of the home appliance market.
With the rapid popularization of the Internet, the face of a new generation of consumer groups 80, 90, speeding up the layout, further expand the electricity supplier channels, has become the only way which must be passed kitchen electric company to enhance the brand influence, to snatch more market share. In 2013, every section will be a big fight of the electricity supplier, business is the use of online and offline channels to conduct a variety of channels to guide the use of a variety of topics to promote more overwhelming.

2013, the mainstream kitchen electric enterprises have been in the electricity business channels to achieve a profit, only eleven of the same day, leading enterprises FOTILE Group sales on a breakthrough 100 million yuan. Reap the benefits of the enterprise from a single store, Tmall official flagship store to the Jingdong, easy fast network and many other B2C platform launched diversified cooperation development. By the end of December 2013, the boss signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Jingdong, will lead the new model of high-end retail online and offline, leading China's high-end kitchen electric products online shopping into the future of quality life.

It is expected that in the next ten years, kitchen electric enterprises if you want to keep the main force of market consumption, network brand building and promotion is an important way.

Kitchen electric industry in 2013, and the rise in macroeconomic stabilization, improve the urbanization rate of the property market in the environment, including hood, gas stoves and all kinds of life, small household electrical appliances sales, sales are showing the overall improvement and recovery of the. 2014, kitchen electric products will still be energy saving as the main direction, product technology will continue to upgrade, online sales channels to further expand, so as to continuously improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises, enhance product sales.

However, the prospects for the development of China's electric kitchen industry, industry experts generally optimistic, this is because compared to other home appliance industry mature, kitchen electric industry in China is in a period of rapid development, market size increase in more than 30%, and with the acceleration of urbanization, the preAfter five years will form a 50 billion scale kitchen electric “ big cake ”. President Naka Yiyasu Lian Siqing said that urbanization contains a huge potential of domestic demand, every year there will be 10 million -1200 million people from the countryside into town, and the people network tech will become the potential users of kitchen appliances, which will greatly promote the development of kitchen electric market.

Now, the kitchen is not cabinets, appliances and kitchen appliances simple together, but the original component is relatively independent of the optimized design, the overall configuration, the overall design, the overall construction of the functional and aesthetic and cultural integration into one, to make it more humanized and rational. The modern kitchen has become a kind of enjoyment of life, and the core part of the kitchen is the kitchen appliances.

Champoux consulting appliance industry analyst pointed out: in the future, the development of kitchen appliances industry in China will present three major trends: one is the kitchen appliance industry is a traditional industry, intense competition, city market has been very popular, influenced by the real estate control policies, kitchen appliances market growth slowdown. But as people's demand continues to improve, new kitchen appliances will gradually be favored by people.
Future, the main growth point of the kitchen appliances market will be mainly concentrated in the high-tech content, energy saving and environmental protection of the new kitchen electric products. And with the national home appliances to the countryside, energy subsidies and other policies, the rural market demand will be heavy, there is a lot of room for growth in the future.
Two in recent years, the growing demand for the overall kitchen, the overall potential of the kitchen appliances, this industry will become the next stage of the domestic kitchen appliances industry another hot. On the other hand, at present, dishwasher, water purification equipment and other new kitchen appliances market has the overall rate is relatively low, the future electric kitchen production enterprises should seize the opportunity of kitchen appliances upgrading, accelerate the promotion of new product concept. In the future, more types of new kitchen appliances will continue to enter the consumer's home.
Three kitchen appliances brand pattern has been initially formed, the second line brand survival pressure is very obvious, the kitchen electric appliance enterprises to market segments of the building still need to work hard. According to the "2009-2010" China kitchen electrical appliances project investment feasibility study report released by the "" shows: today, kitchen appliances have become the second major categories of electrical appliances. With the development of science and technology and the needs of people, the kitchen appliances are becoming more and more high-end and intelligent.
The next few years the kitchen electrical industry will enter the golden period of development. Estimated from 2015 to 2012, it will maintain a growth rate of 15%. But it is worth noting that the current variety of kitchen appliances, but the lack of a unified planning and coordination, so the main direction of the future development of kitchen appliances is integrated.